Global Summit Ends With One Million Rally of Hope and Renewed Calls for Unity on the Korean Peninsula

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Global Summit Ends With One Million Rally of Hope and Renewed Calls for Unity on the Korean Peninsula

VIENNA & WASHINGTON D.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE/ AETOSWire)-- The World Summit 2022 (Summit for Peace on the Korean Peninsula) ended its third day with global encouragement, practical advice and prayers for renewed efforts to unite the Korean Peninsula and end the last division of the Cold War.

"Despite your difficult circumstances due to the coronavirus pandemic, I trust that you, our global leaders, will achieve peace and unification on the Korean peninsula with your commitment and devotion. Thank you," said Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and host of the World Summit 2022.

The Feb. 11-13 Summit was sponsored by UPF and the Royal Government of Cambodia. Cambodia Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen and H.E. Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, served as Summit co-chairs.

The Summit drew participants from some 160 nations, including 157 nations with diplomatic ties to one or both of the Koreas. Nigeria, for instance, has “enjoyed cordial relations with both Koreas in trade, commerce, education, cultural exchange and technology transfer,” said Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. “And so, when it comes to what needs to be done to ensure a lasting peace on the peninsula, we are happy to be part of it,” he said.

In her address, Dr. Moon explained that building one family under God is the way to bring about a world filled with freedom, equality and peace.

As tears filled her eyes, she asked “the citizens of North and South Korea” to join with her and “unite as brothers and sisters.” “Only then can we achieve true unification on the Korean Peninsula,” she said, adding that when the people of the world become sons and daughters of God, we can “achieve world peace and unification in our lifetime.”

In his keynote address, Mr. Ban lamented that “[d]espite our ardent aspirations and various efforts… we have not been able to make a lasting breakthrough” on the peninsula. Noting the recent spate of missile tests by North Korea, he urged the UN to implement its enacted sanctions while taking steps to help North Korean leaders “return to the dialogue table.”

Mr. Ban praised UPF and its Think Tank 2022 project as “quite meaningful”—they offer a “robust platform” that can be built on and lead to a significant breakthrough, he said. He also thanked Dr. Moon, saying she “has been sparing no efforts” to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula.

Finally, speaking from his own experiences living in a divided nation, Mr. Ban said he hoped that “one day in the near future,” the people of the South can “directly engage with our brothers and sisters in the North.” “If we work together with wisdom, sincerity and resolve, I do believe we can illuminate the path to peace, both on the Korean Peninsula and beyond,” he said.

“I have great trust in the word ‘hope,’” said former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, citing “trust and honesty” as crucial elements in discussions to advance peace in Korea.

In his remarks, US President Donald J. Trump (2017-2021) said that when he took office, the experts around him viewed the Korean situation as “absolutely hopeless.” He said he rejected that outlook and instead worked with allies, Mr. Abe of Japan and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, to craft “a bold, new strategy” that led to him meeting three times with North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un and becoming the first US president to stand on North Korean soil.

Together, “[we] have planted seeds of peace and cooperation, and now we must let them bloom and grow, just like a giant tree. To waste that chance would be a profound tragedy,” Mr. Trump said. He added that countless people of goodwill around the world are “working, striving and praying for a Korea that is safe, prosperous, flourishing, united and finally at peace.”

“Personal connections” are so important to building trust, said Hon. Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State (2018-2021), who recalled some of the ups and downs of his diplomatic meetings with North Koreans in his remarks.

H.E. Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President (2004-2014), said he followed several “peace processes,” including that of war-torn Angola. Although Angolan leaders were tempted to partition the nation, they found ways to work through their differences as one nation. Quoting Nelson Mandela, he added, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

US Vice President Mike Pence (2017-2021) listed religious freedom; dignity and respect for all life, born and unborn; equal treatment under the law; education and strong families as essential elements of a stable, prosperous nation.

“Independence and self-determination” are also vital ingredients to a strong nation, said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. “Cambodia was also a victim of the Cold War and grand power politics, but positive engagement helped it find unity.” The Korean people share a language, culture and common history, the prime minister added. “You cannot cut the Korean bloodline. People are like water—you cannot cut the water.”

Many world leaders invoked faith in God to resolve humanity’s crises.

“What is impossible for us is possible for God,” said H.E. Federico Franco, president of Paraguay (2012-2013). “Prayer continues to be the best weapon we have for the return of peace in the Korean Peninsula … and all of you in Seoul are not alone; in all the countries of the planet, we are praying for peace between the two Koreas.”

“God calls to every human heart and we need to hear His calling,” said Mr. Pompeo. The World Summit 2022 and its efforts are surely creating “a divine opportunity” for God to act on the Korean Peninsula, said Pastor Paula White-Cain, head of the Paula White Ministries and spiritual adviser to Mr. Trump.

Others linked unification in Korea to peacebuilding elsewhere in the world. “If we can achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula, there will be hope that peace can be established worldwide, since the steps taken for peace in the Korean Peninsula can be imitated by other nations,” said H.E. Jimmy Morales, Guatemala President (2016-2020).

“Korea can eventually become a shining example to the world of how peace can arise from conflict,” said H.E. Gloria Arroyo, Philippines President (2001-2010). “A heavenly unified Korea is a prerequisite for a heavenly unified world,” said Dr. Yun Young-ho, co-chair of the World Summit 2022 Executive Committee. Beeland Enterprises Chairman and world-renown investment expert Jim Rogers outlined an exciting future for the Asia-Pacific region, especially once Korea’s 38th parallel no longer blocks travel and commerce.

Some 85 world leaders from 70 nations addressed the Summit in person or by video, and 11 Korean political and civic leaders from around South Korea offered their congratulations. Some 3,500 networks around the world broadcast all or part of the Summit, organizers said.

Other Feb. 13 speakers included Hon. Richard Cheney, US Vice President (2001-2009); Hon. Dan Quayle, US Vice President (1989-1993); Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Canada Prime Minister (2006-2015); H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka Prime Minister; H.E. Deve Gowda, India Prime Minister (1996-1997); H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, Sri Lanka President (2015-2019); H.E. Michel Temer, Brazil President (2016-2018); H.E. Anthony Carmona, Trinidad & Tobago President (2013-2019); H.E. Leni Robredo, Philippines Vice President; Madam Adi Koila Nailatikau, First Lady of Fiji (2009-2015); H.E. K.P. Sharma Oli, Nepal Prime Minister (2015-2016 and 2018-2021); H.E. Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Pakistan Prime Minister (2008-2012); H.E. Xanana Gusmao, East Timor President (2002-2007); H.E. Macky Sall, Senegal President and African Union Chairperson; H.E. Carlos Vila-Nova, Sao Tome and Principe President; H.E. George Weah, Liberia President; H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria President (2010-2015); H.E. Adolphe Tiao, Burkina Faso Prime Minister (2011-2014); H.E. Paul Mba, Gabon Prime Minister (2009-2012); H.E. Albin Kurti, Kosovo Prime Minister; H.E. Ilir Meta, Albania President; H.E. Romano Prodi, Italy Prime Minister (2006-2008) and European Commission President (1999-2004); H.E. Dominique de Villepin, France Prime Minister (2005-2007); and H.E. Jose Maria Aznar, Spain Prime Minister (1996-2004). The Little Angels Children’s Folk Ballet were among the day’s performers.

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