TheLeading Streaming Music Provider in the Middle East and North Africa RegionChooses Triton’s Comprehensive Ad Tech Suite to Monetize their Digital AudioAdvertising Inventory
LONDON--(BUSINESSWIRE/AETOS Wire)-- Triton Digital®,a leading technology provider for the audio industry, and Anghami, thelargest streaming music provider in the Middle East, today announced apartnership whereby Anghami will utilize Triton Digital’s complete ad techstack to monetize their digital audio inventory, which is exclusivelyrepresented by Digital Media Services (DMS), the digital arm of Choueiri Group.Through this partnership, Anghami and DMS will leverage Triton’shighly-scalable ad server, Tap, todynamically insert targeted audio ads into Anghami’s 600 Million audio streamsper month, resulting in a more engaging and personalized experience for theirlisteners, and a higher return for their advertisers.
In addition, DMS will make Anghami’saudio inventory available in Triton’s global audio advertising marketplace, a2x®, which willenable programmatic buyers across MENA and other parts of the world to reachtheir engaged listening audience through non-skippable, at-scale buys for thefirst time. DMS will also leverage Yield-Op, Triton’sSupply Side Platform (SSP), to manage their inventory within the programmaticmarketplace. Yield-Op will enable DMS to streamline ad operations, manageaccess to their inventory, regulate pricing, establish ad quality settings, andconfigure both open as well as private deals with specific buyers, brands orsales houses.
“We are proud to help Anghami andDMS harness the power of programmatic advertising to more efficiently monetizetheir digital audio inventory,” said Benjamin Masse, Managing Director, MarketDevelopment and Strategy at Triton Digital. “Enabling agencies and advertisersto engage Anghami’s 58 Million registered users in a targeted, meaningful waywill provide them with a higher return, and will undoubtedly further the growthof the digital audio advertising industry in the MENA region.”
“We’ve already received interestfrom regional advertising agencies and brand managers who attended the firstregional audio day organized by Anghami with the support of DMS, where Tritonwas a major contributor,” said Elie Habib, Co-Founder and CTO at Anghami. WithTriton’s technology, it became easier for advertisers to access our inventoryin an automated fashion, and enables them to send the right message at theright time and in the right place so it truly resonates with listeners. This isan enormous benefit that comes exclusively with the native, mobile nature ofthe audio channel.”
“We look forward to leveragingTriton’s digital audio advertising expertise and technology to continue to elevateAnghami’s brand and reach, and to grow the digital audio ad market in the MENAregion,” said Michel Malkoun, Chief Operating Officer at DMS. “The more that wecan do to make the execution of relevant, contextual advertising easier forbrands and agencies, the faster the industry will grow and the better theexperience will be for its loyal, engaged listeners.”
a2x, the world’s first programmaticbuying solution for streaming audio, enables publishers and advertisers topartner dynamically to deliver relevant, meaningful ads through precisetargeting parameters, including format, genre, geography, demo, gender, andfirst and third party data. For more information, visit https://www.tritondigital.com/advertisers/ad-exchange-networks
About Triton Digital
Triton Digital® (https://www.tritondigital.com) is building a better audio marketplace by making onlineaudio advertising more accessible, intelligent, and effective. Launched in 2006and operating in more than 45 countries, Triton Digital is the largest globaltechnology and services provider to the digital audio industry. Triton’stechnology is designed to help broadcasters, podcasters, and music servicesstreamline their day-to-day operations, build their online audience, andmaximize their online revenue. Its comprehensive product suite includes onlineaudience measurement, streaming delivery and media players, advertisingtechnology and online audience engagement tools. In addition, Triton operates aprogrammatic audio advertising marketplace that delivers a streamlined andeffective way for brands to reach a range of audio audiences through a singleprogrammatic platform.
About Anghami
Anghami is a music streaming appproviding unlimited Arabic and International music to stream and download foroffline mode. Anghami is designed for the Middle-East and North Africaproviding the largest music catalog of licensed content from the major Arabiclabels such as Rotana, Melody, Mazzika, Platinum Records and many other indies.It also features the international majors EMI, Sony, Warner and Universal.Anghami is largest digital music venture ever in the Middle-East funded bymultiple VC firms.
About Digital Media Services (DMS)
Digital Media Services (DMS) was incorporatedin 2010 as the official digital media arm of Choueiri Group. Today, the Companyextends a premium portfolio of online / mobile offerings, which reach 120million Unique Users, generate 2 Billion Page Views and serve over 3.2 billionads per month. Aligned with Choueiri Group’s commitment to and focus ondigital, DMS received a brand makeover in April 2017, which expresses itsunique strength as the true voice of independent publishers. DMS isheadquartered in Dubai, with presence in key regional markets.
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*Source: AETOS Wire
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