Milrem Robotics Delivered Two THeMIS UGVs to the Dutch Army

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Milrem Robotics Delivered Two THeMIS UGVs to the Dutch Army

OIRSCHOT, The Netherlands-- (BUSINESS WIRE/AETOSWire)-- The Robot and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Unit of the 13th Light Brigade of the Royal Netherlands Army received two THeMIS unmanned ground vehicles developed by Milrem Robotics in April for their Concept Development and Experimentation Project.

Milrem Robotics delivered the two UGVs in the middle of April for the Army’s project that looks into how to exploit the possibilities new unmanned platforms provide for increasing combat power and decreasing risk to soldiers.

The THeMIS UGVs were delivered in transport configuration together with initial spare parts and accessories. The company will also provide operator and maintenance training, tactical deployment know-how and life cycle support and upgrades during a two-year period.

“We are extremely proud to have the THeMIS in operation with the Royal Netherlands Army,” Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics stated. “Rigorous tests and combat exercises held in Europe, US and the Middle-East have proven that the THeMIS is an effective tool for dismounted troops and we have no doubt the Dutch Army will be more than satisfied,” he added.

“The THeMIS UGVs were chosen for their superior terrain skills – this 1,5-ton robot can effortlessly negotiate 30 degree slopes while carrying a payload of at least 750 kg with ease,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jules den Ouden, commander of the RAS unit.

The THeMIS’ capabilities were put to the test right after delivery in the tough Scottish landscape during an exercise where the RAS used unmanned ground vehicles for the first time.

“The THeMIS played a major role in the supply chain. Why would we need to go get ammo and set ourselves up as targets when the THeMIS can bring it to us?” the commander asked.

The THeMIS has been previously deployed in several military exercises for example Last Mile and Army Warfighting Experiment 2018 in the UK. One THeMIS UGV was recently deployed in Mali together with soldiers from the Estonian Defence Forces.

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