Next generation sequencing data analysis

One of the most fundamental data that biologists need to understand the origin and development of life is doubtlessly the sequence of molecules also known as the genome.
Next generation sequencing data analysis

Genomsys Technology Aims at Contributing to the Rush to Make Efficient Genomic Information Processing a Reality

One of the most fundamental datathat biologists need to understand the origin and development of life isdoubtlessly the sequence of molecules also known as the genome. Today, genome sequencingmachines generate genome sequencing data in the order of hundreds of Gigabytesper day from organic samples such as hair, blood, skin, and the like.

Next Generation Sequencing(NGS) data is valuable for bioinformatics researchers, sequencing centers, andlabs for decoding the secrets of life and identify diseases and the relatedtherapies. However, here is one big problem with genome sequencing datasets: theycan be over 100 GB in size. Because these datasets are huge, analyses centerslocated in public or private clouds often face challenges to compress,transfer, process, and store them.

GenomSys:Addressing the challenges related to genomic information management

We, at GenomSys, aredeveloping a new generation of software, tools, and devices for making the storage,transportation, modification, and compression of genomic data efficient. Forensuring that genomic data remains consistent in every stage of an analysispipeline, we make it comply with ISO/IEC 23092 (a.k.a. MPEG-G) — the firstinternational ISO standard representing genomic information.

We build robust solutions onleading-edge technology that will let genomic applications profit from the mostadvanced features provided by the ISO standard specification. These featuresinclude advanced selective access to data as well as efficient compression to reducestorage costs and transfer time between sequencing facilities and analysessites.

With the integration of ourproducts, technologies, and solutions, labs and analysis centers will haveaccess to a series of features provided by the MPEG-G standard which willimprove the efficiency of genome analysis applications. In a way, ourtechnology will enable the creation of end-to-end economical ecosystems foranalyzing genomic datasets.

Genome sequencing data analysis requires handling massive genomicdatasets using several processing tools. Moreover, the analysis pipeline isdivided into multiple stages where each stage often requires working withdifferent file formats. Since so many formats are involved, the cost of I/Oconversion during sequencing data analysis is on the rise these days. However,once our solution is used, only a single file format (MPEG-G) will be used inevery phase of an analysis pipeline. This is how analyzing genome sequencingdata can become more efficient.

That is why our solutionswill help in making efficient data access and efficient genomic informationmanagement a reality.

Summing it up

So, now, you know how we arebringing a digital revolution through our game-changing solutions for managing thealways-growing genomic information. By letting analysis centers efficiently compress,transport, store, and process genomic data, we are making genome data processingmore affordable and the concept of personalized care for everyone closer tobecome realitys.

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