SmartStream launches its second-generation AI data quality solution

Technology News
SmartStream launches its second-generation AI data quality solution

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE/AETOSWire)--SmartStream Technologies, the financial TransactionLifecycle Management (TLM®) solutions provider, todayannounces SmartStream Air version 2, the latest artificial intelligence (AI)technology to transform data quality and reconciliation processes that wouldusually be measured in weeks and months, to just seconds. In addition, withcloud-based technology accessed via a new user interface it manages largevolumes of data, in any format, to achieve even higher match rates.

SmartStreamAir version 2 has been launched to enable organisations with a unique solutionto instantly compare all types of data sets, regardless of format andcomplexity. The latest version features inbuilt observational learningcapabilities with a new AI technology called ‘Affinity’ – which automaticallylearns how records correlate to one another and can mimic and learn fromactions made by a user. In just a few clicks, the AI establishes its ownunderstanding of how records correlate and Affinity will assist the user tosignificantly reduce the time it takes for carrying out the matching of complexdata sets. Ultra-fast matching results are delivered to the end-user withhigh-quality results.

Thisis the next-generation AI solution to be developed in the SmartStreamInnovation Lab, and it delivers data quality and verification processes in anelastic cloud-based deployment model, using the latest technologies and digitalfriendly services. Customers are up and running straight-away and the solutioncan transform traditional data verification processes within seconds.Introducing Affinity as part of version two ensures any manually changed datamatching activities get learnt and adopted for the algorithm’s future use.

SmartStreamAir version 2 carries the PCI-DSS label, which is the most recognised datasecurity standard, and has been certified at the highest level of securitystandards when hosting digital payments data. SmartStream’s solutions are alsocertified with SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, attestation, and ISO 27001 and ISO 27002standard. This ensures robust security controls across the whole organisation,including physical security, personnel security, fraud control mechanisms, IT& data security and data privacy.

AndreasBurner, Chief Innovations Officer, SmartStream, states: “We have 13 years ofexperience with cloud technologies and fully understand how these platformsneed to behave. Also, this combined with our data scientists’ work and ourpowerful SmartStream Innovation Lab, we have the right level of experience totrustfully bring AI cloud technologies to the market, unlike any other vendorin the market today. With our new version of SmartStream Air and theencompassing AI technology, Affinity, both these capabilities know what needsto be done and the results are a lot faster than before. I’m very proud of ourachievements, most notably with the user experience design, that enables non-ITstaff to take multiple complex data sets and compare them within seconds.What's been really compelling is that you don't even need to understand thedata, Affinity knows how to compare complex data sets and the results areachieved in seconds - it’s that simple”.

VictoriaHarverson, Global Head of Business Development for SmartStream Air, states:“SmartStream Air is like nothing else, it transforms traditional operatingmodels as it behaves like a consumer app and requires no training orconfiguration, and no IT projects are needed. We understand that when it comesto managing data and finding discrepancies quickly it’s of paramount importancethat our customers have a solution for every scenario and don’t miss a thing.Controlling risks, delivering transformation projects and optimising dataquality processes is going to be easier than ever with this introduction of ournext generation AI application”. 

*Source: AETOSWire

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